Calmbirth is an education program for birthing women and their support person or team which help women prepare for and work through labour and birth. The Calmbirth education program is evidenced based and clinically and scientifically proven to:
Enrich birth experiences as positive, irrespective of how women birth
Reduce rates of medical intervention
Reduce the use of pain relief and epidurals during birth, and
Reduce the impact of perinatal anxiety and postnatal depression
For more information on Calmbirth and to book a course, please click here.

Contact Me
I'm proud to be offering continuity of midwifery care, homebirth, doula support, Calmbirth antenatal education & massage. Please contact me for a free 'meet & greet' or to make a booking!
Nurturing Village Midwifery
147 Bourke Street
Dubbo NSW 2830
Phone: 0418 601 014