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Jasmin's Birth Story

Kathryn March

Thank you, Jasmin, for sharing your birth story with me and the NVM community! Your birth was amazingly beautiful and you were so strong!

"After having my firstborn in 2013 followed by two miscarriages with my previous relationship, I was honestly surprised when hubby and I fell pregnant in month two of trying! We immediately knew we wanted to seek private antenatal & postnatal care so we began our journey with Kathryn from the Nurturing Village Midwifery.

Upon our initial consult with Kathryn, we heard our baby’s heartbeat and oh my gosh, this moment was beyond magical. Kathryn helped to ease any concerns I had of miscarrying again, providing plenty of clarity and insight into how the female body works during pregnancy and birth. I learnt so many things from hormonal changes, to how our muscles work during labour… I can now confidently say I know what the fundus is! Hubby and I also opted for Doula Support with Kathryn and to be completely honest, it was the best decision we made.

We went into labour at around 1:30pm on 20th of February and chose to labour at home for as long as possible. We utilised our birthing ball and shower to help ease discomfort. At about 7:30pm, active labour began so Kathryn came over to help us through it. Unfortunately, my contractions increased quite quickly, and I’d ended up vomiting due to the pain, so Kathryn suggested it was time to go to the hospital. My memory is a little fuzzy by this point. I can’t remember what time we arrived at the hospital, but I do remember being in the consult room and being told I was 6cm dilated, so we moved to a birthing suite where I was able to utilise the bath. I believe it was around 10:30pm by this point.

I remember being in the bath as the burning sensation began and I felt the urge to bear down. The pain increased to the point of almost being unbearable. I’m pretty sure I yelled at Kathryn that I couldn’t do it anymore and that I wanted the epidural… but as per my birth plan, Kathryn suggested I try gas instead and so I did. I persisted and continued. But MAN! We were progressing really quickly, and the pain wasn’t letting up! Shortly after feeling the urge to push, I remember feeling a throbbing sensation within my clitoris and when explaining the feeling to Kathryn, it turns out I was experiencing a little bit of an orgasmic birth… what!?!?! Yep, even with all that pain and burning, I was able to experience what I had!

Unfortunately, though, our baby girl had passed meconium in utero which meant having to hop out of the bath to birth and sure enough, after 20 minutes of being in the birthing suite, we gave birth to our sweet baby girl. Kathryn was by our side the entire time and I’m glad she encouraged me to keep pushing through the pain and labour naturally. I did end up with a 4th-degree tear, but I’m honestly so thankful that I kept going and birthed without the epidural. Don’t get me wrong, it really hurt, and the burning was intense! But it was absolutely worth it.

I’ve already told hubby and Kathryn that I’m ready for another baby and without a doubt, we plan on sharing our next journey with Kathryn. I don’t think I could have done any of this without her, so there’s no question in my mind that I’ll 100% choose Kathryn for antenatal, postnatal and doula support if we have another baby.”

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